Saturday, February 20, 2010

Basket taters above ground growing

So its tater time, and the seed taters can't wait.

Because basket growing has such a big interest, and it produces great yields, lets start from the basket.

Building your basket is simple, a ten foot piece of chicken wire. But you have to also support your basket, I started with four tomato stakes at positions on a clock, 12, 3, 6, and 9. Once your location has been selected, you will hammer the tomato stakes in the ground on the outside of your basket. Attach your basket using twine, wire, or what you have on hand.

I am no expert, but I like a area that gets at least 6 hours of full sun, and easy to get water too. Growing taters in a basket requires 1/3 more the amount of water than growing in hills I think.

Now that I have chosen the place where my taters are going to be grown, I used land scapers cloth or just a garbage bag on the floor of the basket. I don't know if one is better than the other, I used what I had on hand.

Fill the bottom with 6-8 inches of dirt, compost, straw or garden bedding. Because this is your starting base, you will want the plant to be able to feed from your base layer for at least 2 months, so make it good.

This year I decided to add two more different strains that I have never grown, Desiree and German Butterball.

My goal is to have a good roasting potato as well as a good keeping potato through the winter months.

I finished my raised bed and have planted 48 Ozark Strawberry plants. I also picked up my BCS tiller from albert friday. What a hoss it is, 10 HP worm gear driven, dual drum braking, rear tilling, monster of all tillers. It also has a plow attachment and can be used to hull a wagon.

Yes, I got my taters in...

Not shown, I also wrapped my baskets in clear plastic, due to freezing temps and wind.

Instead of one pound per seed potato, I will get 6-9 pounds per seed.

I use compost, straw and plain dirt in my baskets.

Today I got in all my onion sets and garlic. I grow sweet onions (which don't store well, but good eats) and yellow onions. I also planted my shallots today, first year I have tried these. I was hoping to get my peas in but I just ran out of time.

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