Albert called this evening, he had left to get some supplies earlier this week. I gotta talk to you about Albert Miller and what he has going on.
Albert and his son Rick, both wrench turners, have had some of the oldest tractor I have seen outside of shows. Tucked away in the middle of the woods outside of town, Albert has spent years building his business. If you need tractor parts, for any tractor, they are the people to call.
I had learned that he was going to head out and pick up some farming equipment a few weeks ago. I know that he only makes this run once a year. So I had him price out a new tiller for my compact tractor. Well, $1200 is hard to come by, and it would swallow up my whole SS fund.
I went to sears a week and a half ago to find a new try pod for making my videos, my old one is beyond repair, so I will re-use that later. I happened to walk past a rack of winter coats, it said " all sales final, all coats $15.00 marked down from $100-$149.00 each. Than karma pinched my butt and whispered to buy than and donate them this coming fall to help some one who needs a hand up. I decided to buy 6 of them, as I was standing there a woman said you must have a lot of girls? I said no, and told them what I was going to do.

I know the tag says 29.99 but I only paid 15.00 for each one, so perhaps what is coming up next, you can learn from me. You know generally I am a pretty level headed, kind person, oh I know I can be an asshole when I want to be or when I am showing my ass, I can be a real jerk. I am not perfect, and I am sure the mold was reused after I was made.But I make an effort to be a kind person and polite towards others. I try not to be a busy body, thou I have been known to rubber neck, pause and watch, step over and listen, and watch what is going on through binoculars... I do have better things to do, but habit prevails.. LOL
So I was contacted by a client some weeks ago, they needed a part made, well lots of them. I figured a way to make them and to turn a profit as well. When I completed the dies and ran some sample parts, they turned out perfect. So they ordered 3200 hundred of them... Holy cow.... I was doing a happy dance, and I can apply my idea to other products as well. So YIPPY FOR ME!!!! Then another job came through that I quoted back in January on the same day.
Like a well thought-out proposal, I knew the moment wouldn't last long, so I moved in for the kill like a Cheetah on the hunt. I batted my long eye lashes, what? I have long sexy eye lashes (thanks Mom), and reminded the wife that I had done a good job getting those sales in and needed to pay for the tiller.. It was wife approved on the spot!!! CHA CHING!!!!! However, I will have to pay the money back when my International Harvester Super C sells..... :( Do you need a tractor with a front end loader and 3 point hitch? I have one for sale for $2400.
That is a stock photo...
I am so itching to get tilling, get in the garden, start prepping the soil, I am going nuts...
Do you have spring fever? If so how about checking the USEFUL block below this post... Thanks..