I was raised southeast of Pittsburgh PA in a small town named Blairsville. For many years we raised pigs
My Mom, Dawn, was herself a pioneering woman of her time. She was a hunter/gather/cook/farmer/fisherman/mom/wife and generally a wonderful person. Mom was made from what I call "old stock", she was as tough as they come. From Italian blood, she was short and over weight, and loved to cook. She loved cooking as a art form, and loved living SS.
We never had a real stove growing up on the farm, rather a wood stove

Our farm sat on 107 acres, most of which was flat enough to work the soil and use for farming. After my mom lost her job, laid off, my step dad lost his job four or five months later. We were able to keep the farm going, make a profit until the price for pork fell. We grew our own grains for feed for the animals, but because the price for pork fell so much in a short period of time. For seven years, my mom and dad did the best they could to keep the farm
Here is a picture, one of just eight that I have of my mom. I was 14 y/o and this was taken the night before I would fly away from the only life I ever knew, country living at its finest. You can see we were dressed up as part of our last night together to go out to dinner. My mom grief stricken, was given a dozen of yellow roses to cheer her up by my step dad.
My mom didn't wear make-up or get dressed up often, but the last night I was on the farm she did. The coat she is wearing was made from deer we had harvested the year before, we sent them out to be tanned and a woman that my mom knew made her and my step dad coats.

Dawn Simone Horsnby 24 Dec 1947 - 9 Aug 1989
R.I.P mom, love you!!
The farm

I hated the city as soon as I got there
I know, its the stuff your parents tell you or grand parents. We measured it at 1.9 miles from the farm to the road where we were picked up.
I missed sled riding
As it would be I would finally find a trade I liked to work at and began my career. It would be 11 years later that I would take the leap of faith and start my own business with my wife. As far as SS goes, working for myself came around before deciding to live a SS lifestyle. But you don't have to work for yourself
Knowing we had to move because my wife hated the big city as well, we decided to come back to PA to find a new home. My wife, Danielle if from England, and this climate is better suited to her as well as living in the country. I didn't know at the time I was going to make a choice to live my life as I have decided to. However once we moved here, and I was sitting above where my garden is now, under a star filled sky. It came to me in the form of fun and what I did as a kid on the farm
Today, as I make my last entry about my past and how I came to be. I hope you have learned about the people that have greatly effected my life in many positive ways. There is one person, maybe the most influential one in my life, that I am going to tell you about, Jim.

There is a fable told of two bulls standing on the top of a hill, Jim would be the old bull and I would be the young bull. ( There were two bulls standing on a hill, the young bull says to the old bull " lets run down and talk to one of those heifers " the old bull looks at the young bull and says " lets walk down there and talk to them all. "
Jim was my boss 40 hours a week, and my mentor during the evenings and weekends. I spent 11 years working for Jim at both times. One day, after I worked for Jim for about six weeks, he handed me my paycheck and said " I have been looking for some one like you for forty years ". If you want to come to my house this weekend, I have something I want to show you ". So I did, and he asked me if I would be interested learning my trade the way it was taught and done hundreds of years ago. The promise of making extra cash was a bonus that I couldn't pass up. So for the next eight months I would work close to jim listening and doing before I would venture solo in the evenings at my own house doing my own projects to take to a big Arts and Crafts show coming in late fall.
I had purchased a book, Lanterns that lit our world
When the show came, booths were small, so Jim had his booth, and I had one on the other side of show. It was a two day weekend show. Friday evening was set-up time, and we had to be there selling from 9am til 4pm. Bright eyed and bushy tailed I was there at 8am talking with Jim, he wished me luck, and I went to sit at my booth.
Shortly after it started, I had made my first sale. I priced my lanterns in pairs from $175.00 - $225.00 a set. So that first sale made me happy and thinking more positive about learning my trade. Not having a watch on, shortly after that sale, I made another. Then a gentleman from Lancaster County
While he was looking at them he had asked me about myself and my trade. After making those first two sales I was very passionate about what I was doing. He had placed 7 pairs of lamps to one side, he then looked at all the price tags. Than he pulled a huge wad of cash out of his pocket and handed me $1325.00. I was so excited I was shaking, I place them in several boxes for him. After the sale, he told me he was from Lancaster County
By 1:30 pm the first day of the show, I had sold all my lanterns and had a huge wad of cash in my pocket. Excited to tell Jim, I left my booth and made my way to his booth. When I got there I showed him my wad of cash. Then he asked me how many sets did I have left, I explained I had sold then all. He looked down at the ground and shook his head. He then asked me how much did I sell them for, I told him. Jim looked at me and asked How long did they take to make? I told him 50 hours a set, he than said so your willing to work for $4.00 an hour? That's when it hit me....
I was foolish and ashamed of myself, but I will never forget the giggle that man made from Lancaster after he bought those 14 lanterns.
So understand the fable now?
You know, I know that at some point in your life you have fallen upon hard times
Jim was my rock and mentor during the hardest times of my life thus far. Not only did he teach me to work with my hands
At my day job, I would see people get laid off left and right. When times got better, new people would be hired. Sure Jim would keep me on, but I am very good at what I do, so there is some credit from my side. One day the owner of the company would confront me about a position I had applied for at another company. I think its wise to keep your current employer in check with your wage as long as you have something to work with. As a highly skilled worker
So the owner asked if I was happy, I said I was but could use a raise to cover health care and cost of living. My strong arm tactic didn't work and I was fired
Four months after going into business for myself
I have to keep up with Jim, just the way he is, and we speak on a regular bases. He came to visit me last summer for a couple of days. He was raised about an hour away from where I live ( that's odd ) but true. When Jim walked into my shop and looked around at all the equipment I had purchased to manufacture products, he smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. He said " see I knew you could do it, this is the reason I went to bat for so many times that my hands were sore " I knew he was telling me the truth. Like a son to a father, I hugged him and thanked him for everything he had done for me, and taught me.